

TIME September 18, 2017

Time Asia [US] September 18 2017 (単号)

Time Asia [US] September 18 2017 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2017/09/09
  • メディア: 雑誌

 自身も女性である編集長 Nancy Gibbs は言う。

‘She broke the glass ceiling.’ What a jagged image we use for women who achieve greatly, defining accomplishment in terms of the barrier rather than the triumph. (p.48)



This past election was unprecedented in so many ways: you had the unprecedented intervention by an FBI director, you had a foreign adversary successfully influence the election. You had voter suppression aimed primarily at African Americans and young voters. You had sexism, which was front and center.
I don’t want anyone to be discouraged by my defeat or say they shouldn’t try or support others who will try. We can’t give up trying.
The fight was worth it. (p.60)


We need to support each other in the lives that we have chosen. Men do not do that to each other, in terms of projecting their own ideas of weakness. Women need to take advantage of being women. (p.68)
