

TIME September 25, 2017

Time Asia [US] September 25 2017 (単号)

Time Asia [US] September 25 2017 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2017/09/16
  • メディア: 雑誌
 Nancy Gibbs という女性の編集長がとうとう勇退することになったそうである。

On Sept. 12, Nancy told us, “It’s time for another chapter,” and said she planned to step down. So this space, normally reserved tor TIME’s editor-in-chief, has been hijacked by her staff to write a few inadequate words about her. Inadequate because Nancy’s powers as a storyteller are unparalleled. Before becoming the first woman to lead the institution, she authored more cover stories for TIME than any other writer in its history. For millions of people, she told the living history of our nation and our world―comprehensively, compellingly and compassionately. She co-wrote, with TIME’s Michael Duffy, two best-selling presidential histories and interviewed five American Presidents as well as dozens of world leaders. (p.2)
