

TIME June 19, 2017

Time Asia [US] June 19 2017 (単号)

Time Asia [US] June 19 2017 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2017/06/10
  • メディア: 雑誌
 CNN イングリッシュ・エクスプレスは毎月6日に発売されるのだが、定期購読をすると早目に配達してくれるようだ。8月号が昨日届いた。7月号の英文を一通りシャドーイングしてみるのに、あと2日かかる。しかし、これは遅れというほどではない。


When it comes to politics, they are hard to pin down as liberal or conservative, and not all think preaching antiabortion homilies is a good idea. Instead they speak openly with their supervisors about their struggles with chastity, and some even discuss their struggles with sexual orientation. Perhaps most important, there are more of them now than there were before: 1,900 men under age 30 were enrolled in graduate-level Catholic seminaries in 2016, up from 1,300 in 2005, according to Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). (p.34)