

TIME Dec. 26, 2016 / Jan. 2, 2017

Time Asia [US] D26 - J2 2017 (単号)

Time Asia [US] D26 - J2 2017 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2016/12/22
  • メディア: 雑誌


 タイムの編集長 Nancy Gibbs(女性である)は書いている。

 There are few more wondrously terrifying moments in a woman’s life than when she gives birth, delivering unto the world the passenger she has been carrying for nine months and then meeting directly for the first time. Tissue skin. Lumpy feet. Deep-pool eyes and those first howling breasts, all real and raw and eternal and so fragile.
 So I cannot conceive what it is like for the refugee women who have fled their country by land or sea or both to give birth to their babies in a foreign hospital, far from family and home, sorrounded by doctors and nurses whose language they can’t understand, wrapping their newborns in borrowed blankets and returning to the tents they now call home.
