

TIME November 21, 2016

Time Asia [US] November 21 2016 (単号)

Time Asia [US] November 21 2016 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2016/11/16
  • メディア: 雑誌
 英語を聞きたいだけなら、たまにドラマなど見ればよい。アリーの DVD を持っているし、無料で視聴できるところもある。

 タイムはずっとクリントン支持というか、むしろ反トランプだったが、中でもはっきりそれを言葉にし続けたのは Joe Klein であった。今週の彼の In the Arena はこう締め括られている。

It would be nice to think his revolution will be a gentle one. But he is not a gentle man. He is puerile, thin-skinned and crude. He is also 70 years old, and all those decades of bombastic hucksterism have now been ratified by the American people. His vision of a dark, declining country has been ratified too―but only by a momentary plurality that looks more to the past for answers than to the future. That has never been the American way. This is the dynamic country. Its only possible future is multiethnic and globalist. Donald Trump won’t succeed unless he learns how to keep up with it.