

TIME March 12, 2018

Time Asia [US] March 12 2018 (単号)

Time Asia [US] March 12 2018 (単号)

  • 発売日: 2018/03/03
  • メディア: 雑誌

 全米ライフル協会は銃を持つ権利を守る団体であって、銃の売り上げに関心を払うことはない。というのは建前であって、銃器製造会社が儲からなければ、NRA の資金も厳しくなる。
 NRA にとっては、銃規制の議論がなされる方が(実際に厳しい銃規制が導入されるのは困るが)、ありがたいのである。

There may be another explanation for the Republicans’ talk of modest new gun restrictions: money. Gun manufacturers are in the midst of the worst business crisis in decades, with double-digit sales drops driving some to the brink of bankruptcy. The NRA, which gets its funding not only from individual members but also major gunmakers, is in a position to help. Nothing gooses gun sales like the threat of new gun-control measures. And behind the scenes, two senior GOP officials tell TIME, the NRA has given lawmakers the green light to float new gun limits without the threat of retribution. The logic: introducing those policies―or even better, debating them―will be good for business. Jennifer Baker, a NRA spokeswoman, denied that her organization made such overture to Congress and said the RNA’s main concern was not gun sales but rather defending gun rights. (p.14)